Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

While management of headache always has suffered from a “supply/demand” problem, the ongoing pandemic has served to highlight and aggravate that imbalance. Given the prevalence of headache in our society—and the prevalence of migraine in particular—there are simply too many citizens in need of headache management but too few providers available to meet that need. Again, COVID-19 has served to highlight this mismatch.

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Occipital Nerve Blocks: Miracle therapy or glorified placebo?

Occipital Nerve Blocks: Miracle therapy or glorified placebo?

Over the past two decades, this author has performed occipital nerve blocks (ONBs) over 10,000 times for the treatment of headache. The patients receiving those blocks have been a varied lot, but most have had “cervicogenic headache“,  a term surprisingly unpopular with a number of headache specialists but nevertheless adequate for its descriptive value if not its specificity.

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