Letter from the Editor

Letter from the Editor

Within the period of only a few months, we have been challenged by profoundly stressful events that have influenced virtually every aspect of our day-to-day lives. The COVID-19 pandemic and the recent civil unrest have produced a pervasive sense of unease. The stress accompanying that unease impairs our ability to cope gracefully and healthfully with whatever obstacles we must face.

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For many of us, one of the consequences of the ongoing pandemic and associated "social distancing" has been a heightened appreciation of those merchants who continue to supply both our basic needs and those welcome extras that inject a bit of spice into day-to-day life. This would seem to be an especially good time to express gratitude to at least some of those merchants.

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A Migraine Revolution! Understanding the New Migraine Therapies

A Migraine Revolution! Understanding the New Migraine Therapies

There is currently occurring nothing short of a revolution in migraine therapeutics. Little had emerged in the way of new migraine medications since onabotulinumtoxinA (Botox) became available for the treatment of chronic migraine in 2010. Suddenly, starting with the appearance of erenumab (Aimovig) in May 2018, new therapies for migraine prevention and acute migraine treatment have been dropping in our laps like eggs from an especially ambitious hen.

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Migraine Prevention: Finding the Right Therapy

Migraine Prevention: Finding the Right Therapy

Even working with a medical provider you trust, the process of finding an effective migraine prevention treatment can be frustrating.  What you want is a treatment that will significantly reduce your headache burden, will do so within a relatively short time of beginning the treatment and will not cause a bundle of side effects worse than the migraine it’s intended to treat. 

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Migraine Myth of the Month: Migraine Diagnosis Requires a Brain Imaging Study

Migraine Myth of the Month: Migraine Diagnosis Requires a Brain Imaging Study

Many patients presenting to a medical provider for evaluation of migraine become uneasy - even angry - when that provider fails to order a brain CT or MRI scan.  Understandably convinced that "there must be something wrong with my brain to cause this terrible pain", they worry that a brain tumor, aneurysm or some similarly serious structural abnormality will be missed unless a scan is performed.

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