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Letter from the Editor

For over 12 years I served as editor-in-chief of Headache, the journal of the American Headache Society. While there was much to enjoy in the experience, it always nagged at me that the journal – intended primarily for physicians sub-specializing in headache reached an audience of only a few thousand.

I wanted to produce a different kind of journal, a “direct to consumer” publication intended specially for millions of individuals who must cope with migraine. A journal intended to educate, entertain and –most of all- empower. Migraineur magazine a unique resource for those who seek “to live well despite migraine”. Written by medical professionals with extensive backgrounds in clinical work, research and education involving migraine, our informational content goes well beyond what typically is offered via headache websites and other health magazines. In doing so, however, we try to make a particular effort to ensure our articles offer plenty of practical advice relevant to the reader’s needs.

Over the next 18 months we will see a succession of new migraine therapies become available for general clinical use. It is now, during this period of revolutionary progress, that it is especially important for the individual migraineur to understand this headache disorder and to become familiar with the options available for treatment. In our Fall 2017, issue we discussed the general principles which are critical to preventing migraine. In this issue, we focus upon the specific therapies already available (and soon to become available), examining the positive and negative features of each. Nobody wants to have migraine (your editor included), but if you do have the disorder, take advantage of this unprecedented opportunity to reduce your headache burden.

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