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From the Patient’s Perspective: Pain

The editorial office was fortunate to receive the poem that follows from a particularly articulate and insightful migraineur and scientist, Dr. Ena Bromley. We hope you like it as much as we have.


Slowly, as a leopard stalking its prey,

You appear in the dark of night,

Pounce onto your enemy,

and with evil intent drain its life away.

The beauty fades,

In a dark mist that fills the brain.

You rob the soul,

Of joy intended.

As the wind howls and gusts,

You come back.

Again and again.

You know no end.

Your journey is a winding path,

Your road is a cliff without guardrails,

There is no mercy, no relief.

Yet here it ends.

For you, pain is a narcissistic thief.

Mercy will steal your sword,

And grace will crush your feet.

Resolve will kill the leopard stalking in the night.

Joy will take your dark cloud and shine its light through it.

Kindness will calm your howling wind into a soft breeze.

You pain, have underestimated strength.

In your pride you overestimated your power.

There is a Love greater than your destruction.

There is a Mountain higher than your dwelling place.

There is a Beauty that will kill the evil beast.

Ena Bromley, PhD

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