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Editoral Plea

At this point Migraineur magazine has several thousand electronic subscribers, mostly residents in the metropolitan DC area who have seen the editor as a clinic patient. A much larger national and international readership “hits” on our open-access website to search for individual articles they find interesting or personally relevant.

That last part is great, but unfortunately what our advertisers focus upon is the total number of registered subscribers, and the raw truth is that at this point our magazine is financially able to continue being published free of charge to readers because of those advertisers.  As such, I hope you will encourage your family members and friends who have an interest in migraine to become subscribers, and if you are accessing this particular issue and are not already a subscriber, please join up. Becoming a subscriber involves no financial obligation on your part, and you may unsubscribe at any time. God knows, I do not possess the IT expertise or any inkling of a desire to provide any 3rd party with a list serve of our subscribers. Subscribing merely ensures that you receive electronic versions of new issues as soon as they are available and e-blasts that will alert the subscriber to any new blogs, updates or notifications that are posted on the magazine’s website.

So please go – or encourage your family/friends to go – to migraineurmagazine.com and sign up to subscribe. It will be a big help in ensuring the long-term viability of this magazine which, hopefully, you find to be “entertaining as well as educational”.